The Art of I

You are loved and you are safe... Always

I am Irina ~ passionate about holistic health and living, adventuring on an inner journey to unravel the mysteries of life…

How can we live more healthily, more balanced, more at peace? In harmony with ourselves and all creation. In love and compassion.

My intention is to live this human life with utmost care and respect for all sentient beings, with gratitude for the abundance of healing medicine Mother Earth offers us and bring this multidimensional magic to you ~ to help harmonize your health and wellbeing so that you can enjoy your experience here fully.

I have a background in Psychology (with academic studies in Moldova, USA and the Netherlands) and have worked as a trainer and coach within organizations for over 10+ years in the Netherlands. More recently I started offering individual coaching and guidance sessions having the urge and excitement to help others meet themselves fully and live their lives in freedom. Inner freedom which naturally is accompanied by its friends ~ joy, peace, fun… 

Three years ago I studied 15-dimensional energy field clearing with Chintamania, which a unique and powerful approach to clearing one’s 15 dimensions of awareness (eg. entities, limiting beliefs, traumas, auric attachments, portals and wormholes, etc.)

About two years ago I undertook a herbalist study with Alquimia in Portugal, wishing to re-align all aspects of human health (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual) in harmony with the natural laws and this is an aspect reflected in my coaching as well. Since then I have been exploring the world of plants and mushrooms and alchemizing them into energized health and beauty products that heal, activate and elevate your being at all levels.

Integrating all these various approaches, my coaching sessions are focused on guiding you towards holistic health and harmonious living ~ discovering who you are and how you can live your life in true (inner) freedom. 



If you want to book a session or have any questions, feel free to contact me at